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Grapefruit Palette

For this week of Thanksgiving, I was trying to think of a color palette that had something to do with being grateful. Turns out gratitude is a bit hard to define in a photo, so I turned to grapefruit instead. Grateful…grapefruit…almost the same thing, right?grapefruit-palette

In this rare case when a thousand words might be worth more than a picture, I’ll share a few words on gratitude. (I’ll try to keep it under a thousand.)

I’m grateful for:

  • Grapefruit. It soulds funny, but I really love it this time of year. Plus, when the kids try to eat it with a spoon it becomes the snack that is both sport and entertainment.
  • Dirty socks on the floor because my kids are too busy having fun to stop and pick them up.
  • That stinkin’ fly in my kitchen, the evidence of Fall weather warm enough for kids to run in and out the backdoor without EVER remembering to close it behind them.
  • Plenty of food on the table, and a table big enough to host my family for Thanksgiving.
  • My cousin Liz who so faithfully posts a daily bit of gratitude on Facebook the entire month of November. She’s an inspiration to me, even though I’m doing good if I even get one in for Thanksgiving day.
  • The fact that we live in a country that decided it was a good idea to take a day out of life and focus on all the beautiful parts of life. We have a lot to be grateful for, and it’s not just that we can have giant citrus fruit fresh on our kitchen counter at the end of November. Is it even grapefuit season? Never mind, I don’t think I want to know. Just give me a spoon and a bib.

Susan Cooper/

Thursday 1st of December 2016

Beautiful palette and lovely observations on how to be grateful for the little things in life :)


Saturday 10th of December 2016

Thanks Susan! I wish I were better at it year round, instead of just this time of year. :)


Tuesday 29th of November 2016

There are few experiences in life as intensely pleasurable as drinking white grapefruit juice. Color-wise, white grapefruit juice is not really white but a dull pale yellow - it's got less RR and more BB than the #FDC95C (4th) color in your palette - I'd have to play with the components a bit to get the right mix.


Saturday 10th of December 2016

I agree Andy. Grapefruit juice is one of those things that you either love or hate, and I love it!

Jeri Walker (@JeriWB)

Monday 28th of November 2016

This palette is awesome! I reminds me of the colors a friend used last weekend to do a swirled paint effect on the wall of a friend's new condo. When put together it looked like a blazing sunrise and warmed up the space so much.


Saturday 10th of December 2016

Ooh fun! That sounds like a gutsy and creative project. I love it!

Anita C. Lee

Saturday 26th of November 2016

And I'm grateful for YOU!


Saturday 10th of December 2016

Awww, thanks!


Creating a color-filled life. Conquering my little world one DIY project at a time. With lots of coffee and chocolate. Albuquerque NM. Pinterest ~ Instagram ~ Facebook