If you’re like me, shopping for holiday gifts just isn’t as much fun as making them. So here’s a quick collection of fun and easy DIY gifts you can make while you’re avoiding the mall.
Today is Black Friday, and I am happily sitting here at my desk, not shopping. Don’t get me wrong, I love to shop. I just to do not like to compete with all the crazed, must-get-it-done-in-one-day shoppers out there on this day. Similarly, I try to avoid the gym for the beginning part of January. Aww, who am I kidding, I avoid the gym all 365 days a year. But I digress.
After I posted my “3 Mason Jars – 3 Ways” project, a friend of mine asked me if I had any other ideas for “artsy, inexpensive Christmas gift ideas”. Well, look no further because instead of shopping today, I’ve been scouring the internet (well, mostly just Pinterest) to find the best DIY gift ideas. I tried to choose projects that were “artsy”, not too difficult or expensive, and didn’t need a lot of specialized tools or materials. Below are links to the original projects, or you can find a more complete list on my Pinterest page.

For loads more DIY gift ideas, be sure to check out my updated ultimate collection of handmade gifts!