Use this short term family event calendar to get you through the end of the school year craziness. With scheduling, gift reminders, and due dates, this is the planner that keeps our family on track in May, but you can use it anytime life gets a little hectic.
Every year around the beginning of May (or end of April on a bad year) I start wondering why I’ve lost my ability to navigate life. I feel like a terrible mother because I just can’t seem to keep track of all the events in our family, particularly the ones involving gifts and celebrations.
I used to get pretty down on myself about this, until one year I made a three week calendar and added at least three months’ worth of activities to it, and then I realized it’s not my fault. It’s not that I’m crazy, it’s just that this is a crazy time of year!
This is the time of year when all the end of school projects come due, the teacher’s gifts and parties require volunteers and coordinators, the graduation ceremonies need RSVPs and gifts, the summer planning has to happen or kids will be on their phones for two months, and for our family, several birthdays roll in quick succession over a few weeks as if we live in a barnyard.
This year, as I’m putting my calendar (AKA lifeline) together for the next few weeks, I thought I’d share it with you in case it helps.
End of School Year Planning with a Family Event Calendar
Every year, when I start getting that panicky feeling, I now simply print out one of these calendars and start coralling all the due dates, party plans, and gift ideas into one place. Instant zen.
(Those calm, happy feelings of organization inevitably fade a bit when I have to start acting on those plans, but at least I get to enjoy a moment of accomplishment, just putting everything down on paper.)
Here’s How to Use your Free Printable Calendar
This printable PDF only requires a black and white printer and a pencil. Simple and to-the-point.
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Planning Tip:
I like to use pencil to work on my planners. The slightly OCD side of me likes it when I can make changes without having to scratch out lots of stuff to make room for other stuff. So if I say “I’ll pencil you in” take it as a compliment, not a brush off.
Updated Summer 2023 Planner
While I’m working through the end of the year planning, I’m also working on scheduling camps, trips, and activities for our summer, so every year I update this summer calendar to keep track of everything. And I’m happy to share it with you, if you can find it useful! You can get your updated one following the free printable directions above.
Happy planning, and let’s meet for margaritas in the summer once all the kids are at their camps!