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30 Days of Creativity with #30create

Do you ever find yourself in a rut, where you feel like you’d love to get to work on something the moment inspiration strikes, but that moment never comes? Well that’s me, usually every winter. This year, as winter turns into spring, I’ve decided to take inspiration into my own hands, so to speak, and challenge myself to 30 days of creativity.

They say that the best way to get the work done is just to do it. Butts in seats. Words on the page. Paint to the canvas.There's nothing scarier than a blank page. Join me for the #30create challenge and bring creativity back to your day!

I truly believe that, but there are so many things that get in the way of creativity, namely LIFE.

Prioritizing Creativity

I’ve come to believe that if I don’t schedule it in, it won’t happen. So to that end, I’m putting this on my calendar: 30 minutes a day, for the 30 days of April, I will create something. I will spend time crafting in some way.Feeling stuck? Join me for the #30create challenge and get your creative spark back!

Maybe I’ll use up some of those craft supplies I’ve been hoarding saving. Maybe I’ll try something I’ve never done before, like metal stamping. (Oh fun, I don’t have the supplies for that yet!) Maybe I’ll just doodle in my calendar while waiting at my daughter’s piano lesson. The sky’s the limit!

The goal is not a finished product, necessarily, but the time spent being creative. I may have nothing to show for it at the end of the month, or it may be life changing. I’m not sure what to expect yet, but I know the time will be well spent somehow.

Would you like to join me? I’d love to have some company along the way with this challenge. I’ll be posting every day (yikes – deadlines!) on instagram, using the hashtag #30create and I’d love it if you’d post your excursions into creativity as well.

Creativity Sparks

To get you (and me!) started, here are a few ideas for fun ways to exercise your creativity for 30 minutes at a time.

  • Mini floral arrangement
  • Coloring book
  • Air clay
  • Friendship bracelet
  • Write a letter
  • Spring wreath
  • Bible journaling
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Paper flowers
  • Silhouette machine
  • Hand lettering
  • Mani/pedi
  • Stencils
  • Chalkboard art
  • Block printing
  • Photogaphy
  • Watercolors

Why Make Time for Creativity?

I know you want to. Who doesn’t want to be more creative? But it’s hard to justify, right? There are just so many other things clamoring for our attention. Here’s a little secret: It may be that I’m doing this so I’ll have an occasional excuse to get out of housework. “Sorry honey, I didn’t get the laundry done because I was working.” (in my coloring book)Feeling stuck? Join me for the #30create challenge and get your creative spark back!

Either way, I think being creative is as valuable in our daily life as say, exercising. Or meditating. Or having a quiet cup of coffee before checking emails. It grounds us. It informs us of who we are and what our priorities are. And it allows us to let our minds wander into thoughts that we often don’t have time to ponder during a busy day. I believe that when we practice creativity, it actually makes our brains healthier. And at the very least, it puts a smile on my face, which is a very good thing for my family to come home to at the end of their long days at school and work.Feeling stuck? Join me for the #30create challenge and get your creative spark back!

So join me, please! Take a few minutes every day to practice something creative, and whenever you get a chance, let me know what you’re working on. It’ll inspire me to keep going too!

P.S. If you’re reading this, and you’re late to the challenge, don’t worry! Just jump in wherever you are and be proud of yourself for doing even a little bit. It’s never too late to start practicing creativity! Don’t forget: #30create

Also, check out this post for more ways to increase your creativity.

(Photo Credits: J. Kelly Brito Jan Kahánek Tim Arterbury Jess Watters)

Jeri Walker (@JeriWB)

Friday 6th of April 2018

I'm getting better all the time about making time for creativity. I moved my craft table into the living room. It's better to work on crafts while sorta watching TV than scrolling mindlessly on my phone. That's not a good kind of zoning out, but crafting is :)


Tuesday 10th of April 2018

That's a great idea Jeri! Way to use your zoning out time productively!


Monday 2nd of April 2018

Love this idea. I will join you!


Wednesday 4th of April 2018

Yay, I'm so glad Dawn! I hope it sparks some new ideas for you!


Creating a color-filled life. Conquering my little world one DIY project at a time. With lots of coffee and chocolate. Albuquerque NM. Pinterest ~ Instagram ~ Facebook