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Pretty Printable Planner Now Blooming in Time for the New Year

My new floral printable planner is now available! Filled with fresh blooms and prompts for creativity, gratitude, and meditation, as well as daily to-do lists and schedules, this pretty planner will keep you productive, while giving you a little nudge to stop and smell the roses each day.

Ever notice how the best ideas are sometimes prompted by the most frustration? That’s where this planner came from!

Get creative and productive in 2021 with this printable planner

I’m one of the least organized people I know, at least in my natural state. I’ve had to do a lot of work on myself throughout my adult life to find ways to be productive, in spite of, or maybe because of, my creative brain.

One of the most fundamental tools to getting organized is a planner. I’ve tried all kinds, but never could find one that suited my needs. So every year when I would buy a new type of planner, I’d make note of what parts I liked and didn’t like about it.

Then I took all those notes and put them into action in a planner that finally meets my needs.

Here’s what I was looking for in the perfect planner:

Simple and streamlined. I don’t need 24 time slots in a day. I’m not nearly that motivated. I also don’t need a quote of the day, or other distractions on the page.

Daily to-do list. For all the tasks and reminders that don’t get scheduled into a time slot.

Creativity prompts. I need a little blank space on each page for doodling, brainstorming, or jotting down ideas.

Pretty stuff. I like to look at pretty stuff every day. It’s nice to start the day with a reminder of beauty, even while I’m planning for the nitty-gritty of how to get through the day.

2 page monthly spread printable planner

Monthly Calendar. In addition to daily schedules, I like to keep an idea of where my tasks and goals fit into the month.

Pre-filled dates. I don’t want to have to keep track of what day it is. That’s why I have a planner!

Weekend breaks. I like a small hint of a schedule on Saturday and Sunday, and a spot for making lists, but I don’t feel the need to schedule my whole day. And instead of a space to create, I wanted a space for gratitude (“celebrate”) and mindfulness (“meditate”).

Full pages. I like to print my planner and put it in a 3 ring binder. And full 8.5×11 pages allow for plenty of space to make notes and write reminders.

Printable Planner with daily schedules

Who needs a printable planner?

If you are a creative person with daily responsibilities, then you know how hard it can be to corral your creative thoughts and ideas into something actionable.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a brilliant idea that has never seen the light of day. I can’t tell you because I didn’t write them down, so I don’t remember them. Even though, at the time, I knew they were genius and could help someone solve a problem.

Anyone who needs to keep track of things needs a planner, but if you lean towards creativity, then you need this planner!

How do I use a printable planner?

I designed this planner to be printed double sided. You could print each page one sided only, but that would use twice the paper. So I like to print mine front and back, and I’ve formatted all the pages to come out on the correct side of the paper automatically. Just hit print!

I like to print my planners on pre-punched paper and put them in a 3 ring binder. It’s cheaper and easier than having them bound, and then I can add things as needed, as well as make use of the folder pockets in the binder.

I could also use this planner digitally in PDF and with virtual planners like Goodnotes (although I haven’t personally tried this yet). But I like pencil and paper, especially when it comes to doodling and drawing, which is most of what takes up my “create” spaces at the bottom of the daily pages.

A Flower A Day Printable Planner 2021

How will you use your printable planner?

I’d love to know! Leave me a comment and let me know what you love about planners, and if you have any questions about this one.


Creating a color-filled life. Conquering my little world one DIY project at a time. With lots of coffee and chocolate. Albuquerque NM. Pinterest ~ Instagram ~ Facebook