I know it’s fall and cherry blossoms aren’t really in season, but I wanted to share this palette with you because I’m working on a similar one right now in a master bedroom.
I really love the cool gray undertones, with the romantic red accents. It’s perfect for a bedroom where you want a relaxing retreat, but don’t want to be bored by going too neutral. One word of caution though: use the pinks sparingly, and balance the dramatic colors with a solid foundation of classic white coverings for the bed.
The colors, top to bottom, are as follows:
Valspar Naivete 7001-21
Valspar Water Lily Bloom 1007-6C
Valspar Montpelier Red Velvet 1009-6
Valspar Blue Twilight 5001-1C
(Photo credit: Jeff Kubina / Foter / CC BY-SA)